Editorial Team
Editorial Team
- Minister Evandro Pereira Valadão Lopes (President)
Editorial Team (Documentation and Memory Commission):
- Minister Evandro Pereira Valadão Lopes (President)
- Minister Morgana de Almeida Richa Minister Sergio
- Pinto Martins Minister Liana Chaib (Alternate)
Organization and Supervision:
- Kassandra Trindade Clatworthy
- José Geraldo Pereira Baião
Editorial Board:
- Retired Supreme Court Justice and Prof. Dr. Ricardo Lewandowski
- Supreme Court Justice and Prof. Dr. Cármen Lúcia
- Supreme Court Justice Rosa Weber
- Supreme Court Justice and Prof. Dr. Edson Fachin
- Retired Supreme Court Justice and Prof. Marco Aurélio Farias Mello
- Retired Superior Labor Court Justice and Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Reis de Paula
- Retired Superior Labor Court Justice and Prof. Dr. Pedro Paulo Teixeira Manus (in memoriam)
- Prof. Dr. Esperanza Macarena Sierra Benitez (University of Seville, Spain)
- Prof. Dr. Maria do Rosário Palma Ramalho (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
- Labor Court Judge and Prof. Dr. Sayonara Grillo Leonardo da Silva (UFRJ)
- Prof. Dr. Antonio Baylos Grau (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)
- Prof. Dr. Hugo Barretto Ghione (University of the Republic, Uruguay)
- Prof. Dr. Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet (PUCRS)
- Prof. Dr. João Leal Amado (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
- Retired Labor Court Judge and Prof. Dr. Márcio Túlio Viana (UFMG and PUC Minas)
- Prof. Dr. Pedro Romano Martinez (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Adriana Wyzykowski (UFBA) - Ana Virgínia Gomes (UFC) - Andreia Galvão (Unicamp) - Antonio Escrivão Filho (UnB) - Carla Apolinário (UFF) - Cláudio Ianotti da Rocha (UFES) - Erlando Rêses (UnB) - Gabriela Caramuru (UFF) - Gabriela Neves Delgado (UnB) - Gustavo Seferian (UFMG) - Isabela Fadul de Oliveira (UFBA) - Júlia Lenzi (USP) - Juliana Teixeira (UFPE) - Lívia Miraglia (UFMG) - Maurício Rombaldi (UFPB) - Priscila Freire da Silva Cezario (USP) - Rafael Cabral (UFERSA) - Regina Stela Vieira (UFPE) - Renata Queiroz Dutra (UnB) - Renata Versiani (UFRJ) - Ricardo Festi (UnB) - Rocco Antonio Rangel Rosso Nelson (IFRN) - Sávio Machado Cavalcante (Unicamp) - Selma Venco (Unicamp) – Wilson Theodoro (UnB)