Editorial Ethics Code of Conduct

The Journal of the Superior Labor Court is committed to ethics and quality in the publication of texts, supporting desired ethical standards of behavior for all parties involved in the publication in our periodical, namely the Editor (President of the Permanent Documentation and Memory Commission), the Ministers comprising the Commission, the Reviewers, the Editorial Board, and the Authors.


The editor of the journal, president of the Documentation and Memory Commission, is responsible for definitively deciding which of the articles submitted to the Journal should be published, after the analysis carried out by reviewers. The editor may consult the other ministers of the Documentation and Memory Commission, the reviewers, or the Editorial Board in decision-making.

The editor, members of the editorial team, and reviewers must refrain from disclosing to third parties any information about a manuscript submitted for evaluation.

The editor must refrain from evaluating manuscripts in which there is any conflict of interest resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or any other type of relationship or connections with any of the authors, companies, or (possibly) institutions that are linked/connected to the articles.


The reviewer must treat as confidential all texts they evaluate.

The reviewer's reports must be conducted objectively and impartially, and the reviewer must express their arguments on solid empirical and theoretical bases.

Privileged information or knowledge obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for the personal benefit of the reviewer.

The reviewer must not evaluate manuscripts in which there is any conflict of interest resulting from competitive or collaborative relationships or any other type of relationship or connections with any of the authors, companies, or (possibly) institutions that are linked/connected to the articles.

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board serves as an auxiliary body to the Editor and the Permanent Documentation and Memory Commission in formulating editorial policy as well as maintaining the overall quality of the publication.

Members of the Editorial Board are chosen by the Editor in collaboration with the other members of the Permanent Documentation and Memory Commission.


The author must ensure that their text is original and unpublished.

The author must adhere to ethics, ensuring that their text does not convey prejudice of any kind.

This Ethics Policy is based on recommendations from Elsevier and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors