Provisional guardianship in the labor process and the consolidated jurisprudencie of the TST


  • Mauricio de Carvalho Salviano PUC/SP



Provisional Guardianship, Urgency, Evidence


The CPC, in article 294 and the next ones, deals with the issue of Provisional Guardianship, which can be divided into Urgency and Evidence. As it is a theme of the Civil Procedure, it is known, in view of the principle of Subsidiarity, that the Labor Procedure allows the use of these rules, based on article 769 of the CLT, which allows the use of the Common Procedure when the CLT is silent and does not there is incompatibility between labor principles and standards. Based on this, the purpose of this article is to analyze the Jurisprudential Guidelines of the TST that deal with Provisional Guardianship, to verify if they are in line with the current procedural legislation, and if they are in need of adaptations in their texts, for their correct application by the Labor Courts.

Author Biography

Mauricio de Carvalho Salviano, PUC/SP

Mestre em Direito das Relações Sociais, subárea Direito do Trabalho, pela PUC/SP.


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How to Cite

Salviano, M. de C. (2023). Provisional guardianship in the labor process and the consolidated jurisprudencie of the TST. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 89(4), 236–247.