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Existential damage

parameterizing the inequality of equals



existential damage, civil liability, moral damage, labor reform


Existential damage, a concept originating from Italian law and formalized by Brazilian Law 13,467/2017, affects workers in the context of their existence associated with their work activity. The suppression of their existence in the scope of their social, family, and personal relationships hinders their integration into society, potentially causing feelings of sadness, bitterness, and anguish. The present article aims to analyze how existential damage and its quantification established by Brazil’s labor reform impact fundamental rights. As a methodological approach, a descriptive research method with bibliographic review was adopted in order to comprehend the context of its incidence. Given the elements presented, it was possible to observe that the rationale employed by the legislator violates fundamental principles of law and undermines the educational nature of compensation.

Author Biographies

Patrícia Eliza Dvorak, Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 9ª Região

Master in Education and New Technologies from Uninter; specialist in Labor Law and Procedure; specialist in Civil Procedural Law from Uninter; graduated in IT Management from Unisul; coordinator in the Coordination of Publishing and Scientific Dissemination of the Regional Labor Court of the 9th Region

Polyana Laís Majewski Caggiano, Uniter

Graduated in Law from UniBrasil and in History from Claretiano; postgraduate in Constitutional Law, Labor Law and Procedure and Social Security Law from Abdconst; postgraduate in History teaching methodology from Faculdade São Luís; MBA in people management and leadership from Faculdade São Luís; corrective professor and TCC advisor at Centro Universitário Uninter


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How to Cite

Dvorak, P. E., & Caggiano, P. L. M. (2024). Existential damage: parameterizing the inequality of equals. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 89(3). Retrieved from

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