Racial affirmative actions in light of a recent decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States
impacts on the Brazilian labor market
Structural Racism, Afrmative Actions, Racial Quotas, Positive DiscriminationAbstract
At the end of June 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a significantly restrictive decision on racial affirmative actions in the country, contrary to slightly older decisions of the Brazilian Supreme Court that were grounded on social indicators proving the existence of the structural racism that remains to this day. At the same time, in Brazil, a bill to revise the law that establishes a similar practice was approved in the Chamber of Deputies and is awaiting submission to the Federal Senate, where the decision is expected to be equally favorable. All these aspects are analyzed in this article, which, at the end, invites employers committed to social justice to contribute to the eradication of structural racism.
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