Theory of production deviation and labor law
Civil liability, Theory of productive deviation, Consumer law, Labor lawAbstract
Due to its scarcity, time has become an extremely valuable resource and has acquired a value that goes beyond the economic dimension in modern society. Despite this, consumers still face negligence on the part of suppliers in consumer relations in Brazil. The legal system is still resistant to the possibility of civil reparation in cases of misappropriation of time. However, this attitude is gradually being changed in doctrine and jurisprudence, recognizing the rights of consumers in a more comprehensive way and the negative impact that negligence in time management can have on their lives. Following this evolution, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of time, the legal field that supports its protection and the requirements of civil liability that allow compensation for its undue loss in consumer relations and beyond, especially in the labor field. In addition, situations that affect workers’ time are analyzed in order to conclude on the feasibility of using the Productive Deviation thesis in this legal sphere. This study adopts a bibliographical, descriptive-qualitative and exploratory methodology.
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