Algorithmic discrimination in the employment relationship

economic efficiency, artificial intelligence and employee fragility




Artifcial intelligence, Economic efficiency, Algorithmic discrimination


The research seeks to verify which peculiarities of the employment relationship would make it more susceptible or fragile to the occurrence of algorithmic discrimination. As a result of the research, it was found that the use of AI depends on the volume, speed and value of the data provided by Big Data, generating results that are as good as the data. Furthermore, it was understood that, despite seeking objectivity, algorithms can cause discrimination through a programming error, generalization, use of sensitive information and limitation of rights. Finally, it was considered that employment relationships have peculiarities that make the employee more susceptible to algorithmic discrimination, for example inequality between the parties; the fragility of the employee, faced with a legitimate power of control; and technological nudity, given the amount of data, including unnecessary ones, held by the employer. As a methodology, descriptive, exploratory and interpretative research was used, of a qualitative nature, through documentary and bibliographical analysis, using the hypothetical-deductive method.

Author Biographies

João Luís Nogueira Matias, Universidade Federal do Ceará

PhD in Commercial Law from the University of São Paulo; PhD in Public Law from the Federal University of Pernambuco; Master in Law and Development from the Federal University of Ceará; MBA in Business Management from FGV/MARPE; Full Professor at the Federal University of Ceará and the 7 de Setembro University Center - UNI7.

Ricardo Antônio Maia de Morais Júnior, Centro Universitário 7 de Setembro

Master in Constitutional Legal Order from the Federal University of Ceará; professor at the 7 de Setembro University Center – Uni7; specialist in Business Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation – FGV.


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How to Cite

Matias, J. L. N., & Morais Júnior, R. A. M. de. (2024). Algorithmic discrimination in the employment relationship: economic efficiency, artificial intelligence and employee fragility. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 90(2), 128–147.

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