Protection of labor relations in the Amazon

the itinerancy planning system in the Eight Labor Region




Access to justice, Amazon region, Planning, In-person and digital service to the population


This study aims to analyze the potential of Nomadic Jurisdictions (itinerant actions) to guarantee access to justice in the Amazon region, which is characterized by its territorial extension and the difficulty of access due to its topography and the absence of regular transportation. It is argued that the systematic planning of itinerant actions, combined with remote digital operations, allows the service to the population to be maximized.

Author Biography

Francisco Sérgio Silva Rocha, Universidade Federal do Pará

Mestre e doutor em Direito pela UFPA; professor da UFPA vinculado ao PPGDDA; desembargador do trabalho (TRT 8ª Região).


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How to Cite

Rocha, F. S. S. (2024). Protection of labor relations in the Amazon: the itinerancy planning system in the Eight Labor Region. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 90(4), 19–35.

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