The Importance of the narrative on the initial petition on labour law procedure




Initial petition, Narrative, Constitutional principles


The initial petition is the opening statement of the judicial process aimed at the judiciary that translates the claims of the author in face of the defendant. The initial petition delimits what the author seeks to achieve and it brings a series of legal consequences. The right of access to justice is the constitutional right inscribed on article 5, XXXV of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988. The aim of this paper is to investigate what are the requirements for the initial petition and what is the importance of the narrative in it to the understanding, interpreting and judgement of the plea it contains. The methodology used is based on bibliographical research, with the study of national and foreign doctrine, including books, magazines and journals, and is therefore qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and analytical.

Author Biographies

Camila Miranda de Moraes, Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7ª Região

Doutora em Direito do Trabalho (PUC/SP); juíza do trabalho titular da 5ª Vara do Trabalho de Fortaleza/CE no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7ª Região.

Paula Pamplona Dantas Leite, Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7ª Região

Especialista em Direito e Processo Constitucionais (Universidade de Fortaleza); analista judiciária/área judiciária no Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 7ª Região.


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How to Cite

Moraes, C. M. de, & Leite, P. P. D. (2024). The Importance of the narrative on the initial petition on labour law procedure. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 90(4), 97–111.

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