Labor Law in the scenario of expansion of “grey zones”: the dependente work in light of “typological method” (Typusbegriff)


  • Alfredo Massi Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 3ª Região



dependent work, type, grey zones


This paper aims to present the notion of dependent work as a “type”. Such definition is taken from the German legal tradition and is, to a certain extent, universalized. It is assumed that establishing the conceptual contours of the figure of the dependent work is a fundamental intellectual task, since it is the elementary particle of Labor Law. The potentials and deficiencies of the notion of dependent work as a “type” are exposed. The feasibility of introducing this method into the Brazilian legal system is questioned, especially in view of the expansion of the so-called “grey zones”, such as work on digital platforms.

Author Biography

Alfredo Massi, Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 3ª Região

Master in Law from the Federal University of Minas Gerais; substitute labor judge at the Regional Labor Court of Minas Gerais.


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How to Cite

Massi, A. (2024). Labor Law in the scenario of expansion of “grey zones”: the dependente work in light of “typological method” (Typusbegriff). Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 90(2), 57–76.

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