A inteligência artificial e os seus impactos no mundo do trabalho





Fourth industrial revolution, Artificial intelligence, Labor relations, Fundamental rights


Industry 4.0, also called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, brings a world in which virtual and physical systems communicate with each other in the search for technological innovations, especially Artificial Intelligence (AI). The article analyzes technological advances and the strong presence of Artificial Intelligence in the work environment and to what extent it will impact the future of work. In this sense, it analyzes its negative aspects, based on a possible threat to the replacement of future human labor, and also the positive aspects, especially with regard to the assistance of intelligent machines for the development of the work environment, in greater agility and effectiveness in carrying out tasks and in the possible emergence of new jobs. Therefore, possible alternative solutions to this problem are presented, such as the creation of training and requalification programs for labor to learn how to use artificial intelligence combined with human intelligence, in order to prevent workers from becoming victims of structural unemployment.


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How to Cite

Araújo, F. M. de, & Rayol, R. A. C. B. (2024). A inteligência artificial e os seus impactos no mundo do trabalho. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 90(3), 183–210. https://doi.org/10.70405/rtst.v90i3.90

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