The Legal nature of the deadline for annulment of contractual clauses harmful to the worker


  • Breno Medeiros Tribunal Superior do Trabalho
  • Renan Martins Lopes Belutto Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Employment contract , Contractual alteration, Nullity, Limitation period


Article 468 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws establishes the sanction of nullity of the contractual clause that modify the content of the employment contract causing harm to the employee. Through Precedent No. 294, the Superior Labor Court established that the action for successive benefits resulting from an illegal modification of the contract is subject to statute of limitations, with was repeated by § 2 of article 11, included in the Consolidation by Law No. 13,467 from 2017. This research will discuss the legal nature of the period for filing an annulment action, in order to establish the rules that apply to it and the legal consequences of its definition.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, B., & Belutto, R. M. L. (2024). The Legal nature of the deadline for annulment of contractual clauses harmful to the worker. Revista Do Tribunal Superior Do Trabalho, 90(3), 225–243.

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